Ever noticed how knowing a point by name feels really, really good? Turning a code (EX-HN3) into a visual you can recall, an ice breaker, or an ably metaphore (Hall of Impression) is an extremely gratifying pursuit – even moreso when someone asks where you’ve got the ‘deep knowing’ from, and you get to smugly say, "I rooted it in myself".

Flexing your ‘point muscles’ can be a wee bit daunting though, and it helps to have someone nearby to help you on your merry making way. Take Flora’s internships, for instance – she can teach you how to integrate the traditional point names and Neigong (内功 in your treatment, providing all the know-how and materials (flashcards and guidebooks)……..while you bring the client.

Her sessions, clinics, and classes run from the south border of the Netherlands (Breda) to Amsterdam, with a regular schedule of internship days that you can sign up for. If you fancy getting your hands on a ‘what & how in Dutch ( and in accordance with the Qing Bai academy ) shoot us a submission with your name and address.

Dear Qing Bai student, use contact to inquire, pls differentiate between internal / external internship



interne stage

Flora is geassocieerd met Academie Qing-Bai middels haar praktijk ondersteuningen. Ze werkt aan huis en bij Instituut Marie als acupuncturist en artiest. Tijdens de interne stages zal zij deze multidisciplinaire vaardigheden inzetten om klachten en onderliggende patronen (visueel en/of metaforisch) te koppelen aan de Natuur, aldus het innerlijke -en uiterlijke landschap ( wat gebruikelijk was in China vóór de introductie van TCM ).

Meer info? Vraag het hier en/of hier !