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diy acu hand

not totally diy, we handcraft each ‘artist model’ into an ‘acu-hand’

this starterkit keeps it simple and comes with all the elements to start poking

but because most of us learn best by using as many of our senses as possible

we encourage you to engineer your own advanced acusticks (enter: beads, toothpicks flags, clay, stickers, stamps, whatever sparks your brain’s eye)

see FAQ for ideas


1 wooden acuhand (fsc certified)

2 hand flashcards

80 neutral acusticks (fsc certified)

35 color-coded pathway acusticks


25 x 7,5 x 4,5 cm


ideal for keeping track of the different pathways

-cinnamon (SI) Shou Tai Yang Xiao Chang Jing

-fiery red (Ht) Shou Shao Yin Xin Jing

-flame orange (P) Shou Jue Yin Xin Bao Jing

-summer fig (SJ, that’s the light orangey one) ​Shou Shao Yang San Jiao Jing

-oxidized white (Lu) Shou Tai Yin Fei Jing)

-blanc tiger (LI, the white-ish one) Shou Yang Ming Da Chang Jing

some of them have coloured tips to illustrate 5 phase points

to watch acuhand in action: